The Liver Clinic and 3i

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Nov 2023 – Equilibrium Labs has launched The Liver Clinic in Harley Street with a plan to launch 16 additional clinics over the next 18 months supporting their commitment to creating the best products and services to address fatty liver and future proof the health of this all important organ.

The Liver Clinic Harley Street

Their flagship Liver Clinic in Harley street is able to give busy Londoners fast access to rare diagnostic technologies to help address the growing problem of fatty liver which is today costing the NHS over £17 billion annually (according to the Royal Free), almost 10% of their budget. This unique offering gives people the power to diagnose, strengthen, heal and restore their liver by making informed choices to suit their lifestyle.


Following a partnership with 3i they have now taken their service one step further offering corporate scan days to support employee welfare with a tailored on-site experience.  Using their portable Echosens FibroScan® machine, The Liver Clinic will be visiting 3i’s London office at the end of November to scan forty 3i employees.  Any additional employees who would like to take part in a liver scan will be offered the opportunity to visit The Liver Clinic’s Harley Street clinic at a later date.

A qualified expert will run the 3i scan days using the innovative Echosens FibroScan® (a non-invasive device that accurately measures liver fat and liver stiffness) which is able to quickly diagnose fatty liver and see if there is any scarring (cirrhosis).

Post consultation, 3i employees will get the opportunity to discuss the results of their FibroScan® with a qualified nutritionist who will highlight the importance of liver health, before discussing a personal, bespoke plan of action to help them improve and optimise the health of their liver.

Charlotte Champion, Senior HR Operations Manager at 3i says:

“We are focused on the health and wellbeing of our employees and are delighted to offer colleagues the opportunity to have a liver scan as part of our wider benefits package. We believe this is a great opportunity for colleagues to check the state of their liver and receive advice on how to improve, or maintain, their liver health.”

Siggi Clavien, the founder of Equilibrium Labs and The Liver Clinic adds:

“I am delighted to have the opportunity to educate 3i employees on the importance of liver health and be able to conduct FibroScanning® at their office.  With liver disease up 400% in the last 50 years our driving goal is to dramatically improve liver health, liver awareness and knowledge about the liver globally and overall health in general by making liver scanning accessible to everyone’’.

Liver scanning

The process at The Liver Clinic has received the seal of approval from leading liver experts all the way from doctors to scientists, ensuring that the best service and process is delivered. 

About 3i Group

3i is a leading international investment manager focused on mid-market infrastructure and private equity, with core investment markets in North America and Europe. For further information, please visit:

About Equilibrium Labs and The Liver Clinic

Equilibrium Labs is a biotech company at the forefront of liver health, on a mission to improve awareness and treatments of fatty liver disease. Their mission, via The Liver Clinic, is to advance the future of global liver health with tech enabled healthcare.

Their FibroScan® technology is manufactured by Echosens, the world’s number one provider of non-invasive medical devices dedicated to assessment of chronic liver disease.

The Liver clinic

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